Best selling author and Mom, Erin Palinski-Wade helps mommies Take control of Their health

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The lives of modern-day mommies are crazy. We have lots of different roles from taxi driver, to nurse, banker, maid, referee, care giver, spiritual adviser, and so much more.  Moms are programmed to take care of others before themselves.  We are sleep deprived and lots of of us balance home life along with a career.  No wonder we struggle with finding time to take care of ourselves.

When we are overwhelmed with taking care of others our health slips. We put on weight, become even a lot more tired, and often a little depressed.  We can avoid this downward spiral by making basic lifestyle changes.

Best selling author, registered dietitian, certified diabetes educator, certified personal trainer, and mom, Erin Palinski-Wade  strives to educate mothers and families on how to eat well, maintain a healthy weight, fight against diseases such as type 2 diabetes, all while doing so simply and easily. “Living well doesn’t have to be complicated, ” Palinksi states, ” I strive to translate the science into easily digested soundbites that empower my readers and followers to make basic changes that cause great results.”

She has contributed her expertise to national media outlets such as The Doctors, The early Show, ABC News, CBS News, Fox News, and consumer Reports.  Erin Palinksi-Wade operates a private practice in NJ and frequently serves as a spokesperson, motivational speaker, and nutrition consultant. She is the author of “2 Day Diabetes Diet”, “Belly Fat diet For Dummies”, “Walking Off The Weight For Dummies”, “Flat stomach Cookbook For Dummies” and is the featured expert on the #1 best-selling diabetes iPad app “Diabetes: What Now?” She is also a Millennial mommy blogger sharing real life nutrition recommendations at

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Her mission is identical to the mission here at the healthy mommies Magazine.  As a mother herself she understands the struggles we go through finding time to take care of ourselves.

“As a dietitian who has worked one on one with mothers and families in private practice for over 10 years as well as a young mommy myself (my kid is 21 months old), I know the struggle it can be to balance health, work, and family life, ” Palinski explains. “It can seem completely overwhelming. fatigue and sleep deprivation can make you lose all motivation in caring for yourself. and depend on me, with a child who STILL doesn’t sleep through the night, I know the struggle to have enough energy to care for him as well as to work full-time, cook healthy meals, and find time to exercise as well.”

“The issue is that if you don’t make your health and self-care a top priority, it trickles down to impact the health and wellness of all of the members of your family. If you eat poorly, you model poor eating routines to your children. If you are inactive, your child won’t see the value and fun in physical activity. This can all cause weight get and boosted disease risk. and that’s why I have made it my mission to educate and empower mommies on how they can make just a few very basic steps to improve health and to show them the extraordinary long term benefits they can gain. You can make it all work. You just have to know how. and that’s what I strive to show. It can be simple, yet still exceptionally powerful and effective. You really can have it all, you just have to know how to genuinely balance it.”

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For a lot more information about Erin Palinski-Wade visit or follow her on social media. Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, and Vine.

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